Quizlet subscriptions that are purchased on our website or mobile apps renew automatically.
You can see if your subscription is set to auto-renew by logging in to the Quizlet website and going to your Settings.
Uninstalling the Quizlet app does not cancel subscription payments.
- Paid on the Quizlet website? Here's how to cancel.
- Paid in the Google Play Store? Here's how to cancel.
To cancel auto-renewal if you paid in the Apple App Store
If you purchased your subscription in the iOS app, you'll need to cancel auto-renewal through the Apple App store. Once your cancellation is successful, you'll get a confirmation email from Apple.
Make sure to submit your cancellation request at least 24 hours before your renewal date.
If your subscription ends, you'll still have access to all your sets, folders, and classes. Find out more about what happens when your paid subscription ends.