We want to make sure you're getting all you need from Quizlet. If you find that you need a refund, follow the steps below so we can help.
- Paid through the Apple App Store? Here's how to request a refund.
- Paid through the Google Play Store? Here's how to request a refund.
To request a refund if you paid on the Quizlet website
- Contact us and enter the email address associated with your Quizlet account.
- Select a role under Who are you?
- Select Billing.
- Select Request a refund.
- Complete the form and submit it.
We'll review your request when we receive it and may issue your refund depending on the details of your purchase. If approved, you'll get a confirmation email once it's processed. Depending on your bank, it can take 5–10 business days to see the refund in your account.