If you see a charge on your credit card or bank statement for Quizlet that you don’t recognize, you may be experiencing one of the situations below. Read on for how we can help you with this charge.
Sections in this article include:
- Charged after canceling
- Charged but don't have a Quizlet account
- Charged a different amount than expected
- Multiple charges
Charged after canceling
You will not be charged if you cancel at least 24 hours prior to your trial conversion or subscription renewal date. If you believe there is an issue with your account, please contact us so we can help.
Charged but don’t have a Quizlet account
Check with people in your household who may have access to your payment method or are authorized to use your payment method. Since Quizlet is a study tool, sometimes children or other family members may sign up for Quizlet for school, resulting in accidental charges.
If the charge was incurred accidentally through the Quizlet website, you can request a refund.
If the charge was incurred accidentally through the Google Play Store, you'll need to request a refund from Google. Since they accepted your payment, they will handle your refund request.
If the charge was incurred accidentally through the Apple App Store, you'll need to request a refund from Apple. Since they accepted your payment, they will handle your refund request.
If you never signed up for Quizlet, and neither did anyone in your household, please contact us immediately. We’re here to help with your refund request.
Charged a different amount than expected
Quizlet offers two different subscriptions, at two different prices: Quizlet Plus and Quizlet Plus for teachers. Quizlet Plus is available as an annual or monthly subscription. Quizlet Plus for teachers is available as an annual subscription.
If you see a charge that’s a different amount than you expected, you may have accidentally purchased a different subscription than you intended. No worries! Contact us and we can help adjust the price, if needed, and get you onto the right plan.
As we continue to develop Quizlet, plans and prices may change. Whenever we change plans or prices, we’re always focused on improving Quizlet, investing in the quality study experience we hope makes every student unstoppable.
Multiple charges
Multiple charges may mean that you’ve signed up for Quizlet more than once. We’ll be happy to help check to see if you’ve accidentally signed up for multiple accounts. Just contact us for help.
If you see multiple charges on a corporate or school credit card, your organization may have purchased multiple, single subscriptions instead of purchasing a group of subscriptions. When that happens, you’ll see individual charges for each subscription, which may have been purchased at different times.
You can make a group order and get up to a 15% discount, depending on your order size. Learn more about buying Quizlet for a group.
Still need help? Please contact us. We’re here for you!