Study paths are available on Quizlet Plus subscriptions.
With study paths, you get suggestions for the smartest study sequence, adapted to your level, so you can master materials even faster.
To set up a study path
- Log in to your account.
- Open one of your flashcard sets.
- Select Learn.
- Select how you want to study.
- Select Continue.
- Select Start studying to save your study path.
If you don’t start studying, your study path will not be saved.
You can start a study path on any of your sets, and your progress on a study path syncs across the website and mobile apps.
Study paths are available on Quizlet Plus subscriptions.
With study paths, you get suggestions for the smartest study sequence, adapted to your level, so you can master materials even faster.
To set up a study path
- Log in to your account.
- Open one of your flashcard sets.
- Select Learn.
- Select a goal.
- Answer the questions.
- Select Start Studying to save your study path.
If you don’t start studying, your study path will not be saved.
You can start a study path on any of your sets, and your progress on a study path syncs across the website and mobile apps.
Study paths are available on Quizlet Plus subscriptions.
With study paths, you get suggestions for the smartest study sequence, adapted to your level, so you can master materials even faster.
To set up a study path
- Log in to your account.
- Open one of your flashcard sets.
- Select Learn.
- Select a goal.
- Answer the questions.
- Select Start Studying to save your study path.
If you don’t start studying, your study path will not be saved.
You can start a study path on any of your sets, and your progress on a study path syncs across the website and mobile apps.