Practice Tests generate questions based on your uploaded notes or flashcard sets. Different from Test Mode, Practice Tests are powered by AI and transform your study materials into full-length practice tests that simulate a real exam. You can choose the amount of questions you want, the question type, and the time limit. Practice Tests are currently available for study material in the sciences and humanities.
Quizlet Plus and Quizlet Plus for teachers subscribers with English as their selected language can take practice tests.* Practice test generation is available to subscribers who use Quizlet in English and are:
- 16 years or older in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States
- 18 years or older in Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Singapore, Samoa, South Africa, Sweden, and U.S. territories
If you’re not a Quizlet subscriber, you can use Practice Tests for free with limited access.
To generate and take a practice test
- Log in to your account.
- Select Generate.
- Select Practice test.
- Choose flashcard sets or upload your notes by pasting them in or uploading a file.
- Select Start transforming.
- Adjust the amount of questions, question type, and timer if needed.
- Select Take this test.
- Take your test.
- Select Submit test to see your score and review your test.
Settings and options
- Select
(share) to share your practice test.
- Select
(more) to change your practice test's visibility, edit the title, or see your original upload.
*Younger users can take multiple choice practice tests and will need to have a parent confirm their account to access written questions.