You can add images to the definition side of your flashcards with the free image gallery. Currently, you can only do this on the website and not on a mobile device.
If you'd like to upload your own images, you can do that with a subscription to Quizlet Plus or Quizlet Plus for teachers subscription. Find out more about uploading your own images.
To add images
- Log in to your account.
- Create a new set or open an existing set.
- Select
- Select
(image) from the definition side of the set.
- Search for an image and select the Arrow.
- Click through the available images using the arrows.
If you see an image that is irrelevant, inappropriate, low quality, or that violates intellectual property rights, please report it by selecting Report image. - Select an image to add it to your definition.
- Select Done to save.
You can study the images you added from the set page, in study modes, and in the Quizlet mobile apps.
Settings and options
- To remove an image, open the set and select
(edit). Select Change image next to the definition. Then, select Remove image.
- Your images will be automatically resized to fit into your set.
- Can't see the images you've added? Quizlet may be blocked on your network. Try these tips for a fix.
- You can add one image to the definition side of a card. You can't currently add an image to the term side of a card, but if you want to study the image before the text, you can add images to the definition sides and then study the cards definition-first in any study mode.
Currently, you can only add gallery images to your sets on the website. Once you add images, you can study with those images on your mobile device.
Currently, you can only add gallery images to your sets on the website. Once you add images, you can study with those images on your mobile device.