You can study several topics together or make a new set by combining several existing sets. Saving a combined set just creates a new set and doesn't delete the original sets.
To combine sets
- Log in to your account.
- Go to the first set you want to use.
- Select (More menu).
- Select Combine.
- On the Combine sets page, add sets by selecting the + icon.
- Select Create a set from the dropdown menu on the left.
- Select Go to save your combined set.
To start studying the two sets without saving them as a new set, select the study mode you want from the dropdown menu, and select Go. Once you exit that study mode, the combination is not saved.
- As you combine sets, their titles show up in the left column.
- You can make combinations from your sets, folders, or classes by choosing one from the Combine dropdown menu. You can also search for sets in that menu if you want to add new content.
- If you're using the free version of Quizlet, you can only combine sets that use basic features. To combine sets that have premium subscriber features (like rich text editing or custom audio and images), you must be subscribed to Quizlet Plus or Quizlet Plus for teachers.
Currently, you can only combine sets on the website. Once you've created and saved a new combination, you can study and edit it in the iOS app.
Currently, you can only combine sets on the website. Once you've created and saved a new combination, you can study and edit it in the Android app.